At Original Log Cabin Homes, we use only the finest timbers for our line of Cypress log homes. Not only does Cypress lend a unique look to our homes, but offers unique properties to better suit your building environment. Our Cypress logs are graded by one of seven full time employees who are Log Home Council Certified.

Bald Cypress for Log HomesCypress is a hardwood with excellent durability making it one of the most dependable choice of species for log homes. Cypress, like Cedar, is naturally resistant to rot and insects. Aside from its beautiful grain, It also has a natural preservative called cypressene. Cypressene is credited for preventing the growth of the fungi that causes decay. It is this same chemical makeup that makes Cypress more resistant to insect infestation than pine. Its light color contrasts Western Red Cedar’s reddish brown hue and accepts most wood finishes with excellent results.
Bald Cypress has been noted for its high merchantable yields. Bald Cypress swamps are some of the world’s most productive ecosystems. The odorless wood of Bald Cypress has long been valued for its water resistance thus called ‘wood eternal’.
Still-usable prehistoric wood is often found in swamps in New Jersey and occasionally as far north as New England although it is more common in the southeast. The somewhat-mineralized wood is mined from some swamps in the southeast, and is highly prized for specialty uses such as wood carvings.
Cypress also is an exceptionally stable wood, which makes it much more resistant to checking, splitting and warping.
Dimensional stability combined with its natural resistance to rot, insect infestation and chemical corrosion make Cypress the best choice for your new Original Log Cabin Home.

nothing new at Log Cabin Homes.
For generations, its been part of who we are.Our penchant for good forestry practices began
simply because it was the right thing to do.
Now it’s a matter of promoting sustainability.
Log Cabin Homes is committed to providing long lasting, energy efficient, environmentally responsible building products to all our customers.