The Original Log Cabin Homes and its staff invites you to visit us and enjoy a personal tour through our facilities. Visit our model sales center in the Winston Salem / Greensboro area at exit 153 off of I-40 / I-85 in Mebane, NC.
Located next to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Saturday
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Toll Free: 877.902.5254
Direct Phone: 252.454.1500
Other days / times available for private tour by appointment.
145 Spring Forest Drive • Mebane, NC 27302

Virtual Tour of Our Model Sales Center
Winston Salem / Greensboro, NC
Model Home Village
The Canyon Falls
The Canyon falls model, flagship of the Winston Salem / Greensboro Sales Center, was constructed in 2001. Built with 6X8 Classic D Log Profile, the 2,400 square foot model includes three bedrooms and two full baths. Family activities are centered around a huge. Centrally located masonry fireplace. The plan also features a sunroom, spacious second floor master bedroom suite with a panoramic loft and a host of other amenities.
The Mountaineer
The Mountaineer, adjacent to the Canyon Falls Model, provides the ambience of solid logs at an economical price. It featured exposed trusses, dramatic 12/12 roofline and a private loft area. This cabin is perfect for your getaway or rustic retreat.
Many log home buyers also order complimentary log garages or companion structures. This one car, 14 X 22 Garage is just one of many companion structures available. Built here at our Winston Salem / Greensboro, NC Model Village is sports a 6" X 12" Log with Dovetail Corners and matching log siding on the gables.
The Apothecary Shop
Apothecary is a historical name for a medical professional who formulates and dispenses medications to physicians and patients - a role now served by a pharmacist. Our unique Apothecary Shop is constructed with 8" X 8" Swedish Cope Full Round Profile Logs.
Manager On Call

Jim Starlin
Branch Sales Manager
Greensboro / Winston Salem, NC Model Center
Direct Dial: 252-454-1518

Directions & Interactive Map
Mebane, North Carolina (Greensboro / Winston Salem) - In celebration of The Original Log Cabin Homes latest acquisition a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held at their Greensboro / Winston Salem Sales Center on Friday, October 18, 2013. This location was part of the strategic real estate acquisition from Kuhns Brothers Log Homes. This acquisition now positions Log Cabin Homes as the industry leader in the supply of Premium Log Home Packages.
In 1987, The Original Log Cabin homes opened its doors in Rocky Mount, North Carolina with one simple goal: To manufacture the best Log Homes in the world. In keeping with this simple goal, we are happy to say that this Sales Center will serve, not only the people of the greater Alamance County area but will conduct business to all 50 states and internationally. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is just the beginning of great things to come for this location but for our organization as a whole.
We would like to thank the wonderful employees and ambassadors of the Alamance County Chamber of Commerce for their participation in this ceremony. It was an honor to have the Mayor of Mebane, NC, Mr. Glendel Stephens, who spoke wise words including his signature statement… "It's a great day in Mebane, North Carolina." Also visiting with us was Alamance County Commissioner, Chairman Tom Manning who delivered a very welcoming speech.
This celebration validates the strength of The Original Log Cabin Homes and confirms the company's slogan… "The First Name in Log Homes."