Wow! Time really goes by quickly!
When I look back, lumber is in my family blood.
Our lumber roots go back to 1922 when my grandfather started his lumber business.
I and my two cousins, Tom & Tommy, worked in the family lumber business during the 1960’s and 70’s. It was during this time that the designation of “Lumberman” was earned and not just given.
Our family’s entry into the Log Home industry began in the early 1970’s in New England where my Uncles Joseph and Jimmy along with my cousins Tom & Tommy constructed our first model log home as my grandfather Tom and my father Tom witnessed its rising.
The name Thomas (Tom) Vesce dates back to 1897 when the first Thomas (Tom) Vesce was born giving rise to multiple Thomas (Tom) Vesce’s to come along in future generations yet to be born throughout all three branches of the family. At one time six (6) Thomas (Tom) Vesce’s were all with us.
In 1987, we formed Log Cabin Homes Ltd to be separate and unique from our lumber business with the single focus to provide the best log homes and cabins in the industry. Today, we deliver nationwide and to all destinations around the world. “Give us your address and we’ll delivery your Log Home no matter where in the world it needs to be delivered.”
Today, we are all very excited about Log Cabin’s 30th Anniversary celebration year.
It took the assembly of a great team over the years to achieve this milestone. Many of those team players who stood the test of time are still with us. Others like my Grandfather Tom and my uncles Joseph and Jimmy Vesce along with our first Vice President Mr. Dick Johnson and our first mill manager Mr. Donnie Parker have passed away but have never been forgotten. It was employees like them and those related that are the fabric and soul of the company, a company that will continue far into the future based on both hard and easy decisions that need to get made every single day.
In 2008, the outstanding efforts of all our employees in every department enabled our company to weather the worst economic downturn in American history since the Great Depression and to emerge stronger than ever. Due to making the tough decisions that would cause others to have turned away, the company expanded during the toughest of times to secure the future jobs of the employees working for the company. Our goal is to always remain a manufacturing company inside the United States.
Our business and management teams are among the very best in the industry. Throughout and since the past economic recession, we consistently performed exceedingly well, as compared to the rest of the industry, and gained substantial market share.
We continue to invest in our organic growth with the capacity and resources in place, and at the ready, to pursue strategic acquisitions and expansion opportunities, so that we can always be at any place or point in time safeguarding both the livelihood of our employees and the continuance of the company for many years to come. Our standard is to always focus on continuing to build on our quality and the experience that all will have with us.
We face the future in a very strong position believing that our strength today, our risk taking for tomorrow, and our accumulated knowledge throughout the past decades will position us to pursue good opportunities even in bad times.
We believe that we have unlocked the secrets to being in and staying in business. As a company, we have the track record, foresight, and fortitude to use our resources wisely at all times.
We will meet any challenge, take on any competitor, and pursue our own brand of excellence to achieve the level of greatness that it takes to honor our commitments, pay our bills, feed our families, friends, neighbors, while working to conclude on a deal that is good for all involved in the experience of buying an Original Log Cabin Home.
It is during this moment in time that I look across the horizon to see what may be coming in the days ahead. I also take the time to look at all of the days of yesteryear that have come and gone so quickly. During this time of reflection I want everyone to sincerely understand that I thank, and I am thankful, for every individual I came across, every contact I made along the way, and for the endless amounts of conversations held that sparked the funding and the start of this beautiful company, its ongoing existence, and the treasure chest trove full of perseverance, dreams, and aspirations to fuel this “Made in America” success story. Without our amazing employees, or coveted customers, and the guidance and support from family, friends, vendors, advisors, and consultants, this company would not be what it is today.
As I force myself each day to wake up with the attitude “As if” it is the first day of being in business, I do so, so that I may be ready to capture new ideas and explore them for all the benefits they hold. I believe I can best serve all, when I believe that I am serving all for the first time. I believe that this attitude gives me the ability to serve you, my customer, for many more decades to come. I do all of this to better serve [ALL] who help operate the company, or who will be served by the talents in this company that we built for you.
Thank you for allowing us to Celebrate 30 years of being in business with you!
To you I serve,

Ernest Vesce
President & Lumberman